These homemade garlic and sesame crackers are just what you need for your next hummus platter! They are so crispy, fun and easy to make and you can either bake them or air-fry them.

Garlic Sesame Crackers
The base of the crackers are garlic and black sesame seeds. Sesame seeds has variety of healthy nutrients. Healthy fats, protein, antioxidants, vitamin B and minerals. They can be added to your diet in many ways. You can add sesame seeds when baking bread or buns, sprinkle to your salad, add to your energy balls mix or granola mix, toast then and make Tahini! If you are looking for a place to get good quality sesame seeds then FinchFoods is your goto place.

Garlic Sesame Crackers
- 01 cup of flour – extra for dusting
- 02 tbsp of garlic powder
- Salt to taste
- 03 tbsp of coconut oil
- 03 tbsp of sesame seeds – Shop Now
- 1/4 cups of water

Garlic Sesame Crackers
- Combine all purpose flour, black sesame seeds, salt, garlic powder in a large bowl
- Add the water and old gradually and mix the ingredients until it forms a dough and dough holds together without getting sticky.
- Divide the dough in half and place one potion in a floured workspace and roll out as thinly as possible using of a rolling pin.
- Cut into desired shape, I went with butterflies because I didn’t have any cutters except that 😛
- Transfer them in to a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes at 180 c or if you want to save some time and electricity then just put them in the air-fryer and bake at 180 c for 5-7 minutes.
- Enjoy with a bowl of hummus or dipping sauce.
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